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Social Work - Not all Superheros Wear Capes

by: Kristin Shook, Marketing Specialist Eastern Division

Professionals working in the Social Work field have a major impact on the individuals and communities they serve. The National Association of Social Workers states, “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 715,000 social workers in the United States in 2020. With an expected growth in jobs of 12 percent by 2030, social work is one of the fastest-growing professions in the United States.” To say those working in this field are essential is an understatement; arguably, social workers are the backbone of our communities.

Social work is a profession assisting individuals and their families through personal and systematic barriers. The practice is a continuing process of growth, learning, and adaptation. Having a wide variety of different individuals they serve means they are constantly developing new communication styles to better assist those they work with. Social work is a complex occupation blending many skillsets together such as counseling, psychology, and sociology. Counseling is the act of helping others through their personal, physiological, and social challenges as a guide and person of support. Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. Sociology is the study of humans and their relationship relating to functioning and finding their place in society. The knowledge developed and utilized throughout the profession of social work should be celebrated.

You are likely to find a social worker in almost any business you enter. These individuals have diverse opportunities: working in schools, mental health and substance use clinics, hospitals, human service agencies, corrections, and even corporations. Their influence and specialties are endless. According to a study done in 2020, Restorative Practices for Empowerment: A Social Work Lens, when trust is built through a social circle, there is a better chance for successful conversations that contribute to a more cohesive and understanding society. “Social work professionals and concepts- namely, empowerment theory- can support teacher training and implementation of community-building circles.”  By empowering those within every community through strength-based development, they are the stewards of a healthy and thriving society.

Those who choose a career in social work are driven to help others through meaningful work. Those who enter the field must understand the complexities of humans and their behavior. Some situations may be heart wrenching, and it takes a truly passionate individual to walk alongside others and lend a helping hand. Truly, social workers are superheroes!

Mirror, Inc acknowledges the extraordinary contributions our social workers have towards achieving our vision and mission. We thank you for your relentless focus and tireless energy to support and improve the lives of our clients.



Lustick, H., Norton, C., Lopez, S. R., & Greene-Rooks, J. H. (2020). Restorative Practices for Empowerment: A Social Work Lens. Children & Schools42(2), 89–97. https://doi-org.ezproxy.tscpl.org/10.1093/cs/cdaa006